Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Traveling Companion

Greetings from the otherside!

Alright, so I haven't blogged in awhile but I do  know that I've been busy! But thank god it's summer!!!! Alright so I have a few things to inform you guys about, some new stuff happening, and a carreer change! (... I think I spelled carreer wrong... oops)

"Doctor Who" news time! In the newest issue of DWM (I live in the USA so this might not be too new...) there are whole atricles on the new companion played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. Yes, that's right we're saying goodbye to the Ponds/Williams and we're saying hello to somebody new!
I dunno how I'll feel about having somebody that isn't giner but I really think it all depends on how Jenna-Louise's companion is like.

I'm sad to see the Ponds leave the TARDIS but I knew that it would have to happen at some point. But what's going to happen to them?! How is Steven Moffat gonna wrap up the whole thing with River or is he gonna continue it through to the next companion?! So many questions and the worst part is we have to wait until fall!!!!!!! Why Steven, why!?!?!

In Sherlock news, season 2 is now avaivle on DVD. It's very epic, if now amazing and super epic!!!! The second movie in the Sherlock Holmes series with Robert D. Jr. & Jude LAw is also out on DVD, so it's epic Sherlock Holmes time!!!!!!!!
I recommend watching both of these things, they are epic!

Well I think that's it... oh wait! Okay so I want to be an author when I grow up so I'm gonna be using a second blog to post some of my writings on. I may to this but then again, I'm computer challenged at times..... but now that's it!!!

*whoop, whoop, whoop*