Thursday, 26 January 2012

Writer's Block

'Ello and welcome to another blog post by, yes, me!

Oh, look at that! I got my picture uploading thingy fixed! How wonderfuly. For those of you who don't know, the picture is of the moon Callisto, a moon made out of ice. So nerdy....

So, I'm an author wanna-be and I'm currently working on two independt idea books, one fanfiction, and a book I'm not sure what to call. And I've been having on and off writers block. Like one second I'll be typing like mad, and then the next I'll be laying face down on my bed groaning cos I can't think of what happens next. I've tried listening to all different types of music, getting a cup of tea, taking a break, and now I'm trying to see if blogging will help any.

Anyone see the new season of syfy's Being Human? This season seems like a really good one. Also, on the topic of Being Human, the orignal version (BBC's version) will be coming back on again. I don't know when exactly, but I did see the trailer and boy did it look good!! Can't wait until we get to see Annie, George, and Nina. Too bad Mitchell's dead. Maybe he'll come back from the dead like Heric did.

This probably really makes me sound like I live under a rock, but I just found the best movie ever! (next to the Sherlock Holmes movies) Sleepy Hollow directed by Tim Burton (how could this movie suck!?) is one of the best movies ever! I'm a HUGE Tim Burton fan and I love how Johnny Dept can act. (yes Johnny Dept stars in Sleepy Hollow) I got soo into this movie that I decided to start writing a book about a modern day Sleepy Hollow. My main characters are Gwen (last name unknown) and Jack Crane (ha ha ha!).

  I'm currently (like ligit this minute, as we speak) watching Underworld. So far, it's really good. Yet, another werewolves vs. Vampires movie but hey at least its a good one!

Yeah, so I don't know what else to talk about. Oh by the way I don't claim anything that I talk about here. I'm only a super uper obessessed fangirl who has nothing better to do with her time. Timelord fanfiction woo!

And see I even change the colour of  my text AND highlight it. I mean come on, it's not a bad blog!

Well, that's all I have for now! Probably will have another post tomorrow. Okay well that's it for now, folks.

*whoop, whoop, whoop*

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Doctor Who vs. Sherlcok

Welcome to my blog! If you're new, hello, if you're not, then hello as well!

Today, I was listening to a podcast (THE NERDIST- check it out. BEST PODCAST EVER!) and there was one that had Steven Moffat, Karen Gillian, Matt Smith, and Arthur Darvil all on a panel with fans asking questions. And a question came up to Seven about Sherlock and oh my god sooo funny!
God, would I love for Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes) and the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) to meet up with each other. Great minds think a lot (*cough* not *cough *)

So here's the worst question EVER! Which character is better? Sherlock or the Doctor? Of god, how could you choose?! Okay well probably if you didn't like Sherlcok or if you didn't like the Docor. Okay so random stupid question. It's still stupid.

Okay so HUNGER GAMES fans here's an update for you. This March the movie will be out. At least I think it's March.

For all of those horror movie lovers there's a movie coming out called THE INNKEEPERS and I strongly recomend it to anyone who likes their horror with a side of humor. One of the best movie's I have ever seen although the ending could have been better.


(Oh no! Sorry, the TARDIS escaped and is loose around the universe & my picture uploading thingy isn't working. Hopefully next post it'll be fixed.)

*whoop, whoop, whoop*

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Vampires & Jedi's

Welcome to yet another blog by me! I know wonderful!

First off, congrats to by little brother who though he hasn't won anything yet, is still the winner of our school's science fair! Woo!!!

Okay-ie dokie! Let's move on to the main topic. So, today at school me and some of my other very nerdy friends were talking and the subject of what makes a nerd a nerd. And so one of us said, "Oh, yeah, to be a nerd you totally have to have seen Star Wars." And the rest of us were all like, "Yes, yes, of course!" Now my one friend, Alice *cough, cough*, said quite bluntly, "I've never seen Star Wars." Like, oh my god. I'm not saying that not seeing Star Wars is a bad thing but I mean seriously?!

Speaking of sci-fi films, let me just give a shout out to the movie Dune for my best friend. Let's just say, Paul has never had a bigger fan. And now I feel stupid for forgetting the main bad guy's name...

What!? What!?
Yes, yes that's right. Nerdy totally just got SEXY!
A Doctor Who update for all those Tennant fans still left out there (did they ever go away?). I just bought the new remake of Fright Night and guess who plays the pussy vampire hunter. Yes that's right David Tennant! And the best part is, he's shirtless for a bit of the movie. I mean sure he's scrawny but come on! Sexy is sexy wheather it has a six-pack or not. I truly recomend it to anyone who fancies seeing a shirtless David Tennant and a wonderful plot line and over all a wonderful movie!

Well, see you next time and may the chances be ever in your favor!


*whoop, whoop, whoop*

Monday, 23 January 2012

1/23/12- "Rainy Day"

Welcome to another blog by the Professor!

Alright so today I was talking with my friends and guess what came up! Lord of the Rings. Now, I've only seen Lord of the Rings a couple times and I have no idea what half of the guys names are. Anyways, me and my friends were talking and suddenly the conversation came up about which Lord of the Rings character was the hottest.
My one friend was like "Yeah, the elf guy is sooo hot!" and I was sitting there thinking 'oh god, this is disgusting!' but then after awhile I finally put in my own input. I said "I agree. The blonde elf guy is sexy." And my friends just stopped and stared at me. Then they burst into laughter.

So there's my random thing for today. Anyways, I wanted to point out that the best series ever is "The Morganville Vampires" by Rachel Caine. I'm loaning my friend the series and I was re-reading one of the older books and it was in the middle of science class and I totally was near the point of laughing out loud. For what reason, I have no idea.

Yup, that's it for now. Hopefully in the next blog post I'll have better more interesting stuff, but hey I live under a rock!


*whoop, whoop, whoop*

Sunday, 22 January 2012

10 Things I'd Love to do before I die....

A quick list of of things I'd love to do before I die.

1. Go to England.
2. Go to Comic-con
3. Meet Matt Smith in person
4. Publish a book
5. Bungee jump
6. Create a movie
7. Learn quantum physics
8. Meet Jared P. and Jensen A.
9. Go to Germany
10. Travel in the TARDIS with the Doctor!!!!!!!!!

It's all about the Fandom

'Ello! Welcome to another blog post by yours truly, the Professor!

Good-evening, to one and all! I've got a lot of interesting stuff to blog about to today. What wonderful current events! Well I say current, but the world probably already knows half of it. Sometimes it just really feels like I live under a rock.

My new obsession is Sherlock Holmes. One of the best British TV shows (besides Doctor Who) must be Sherlock, a modern day take on Sherlock Holmes. Funny enough, this show was created by Steven Moffat (hint, hint) and some other guy who's name escapes me at the moment. So the other day I was goofing around on my laptop and found an article about Sherlock.

It basically said that CBS was creating it's own version of a modern day Sherlock Holmes and the BBC was calling it copyright. Now, American TV has been remaking BBC shows for awhile now but the difference between this and that is simple. The other shows had a lot of differences (I think) but to be honest I feel that BS should just drop the whole idea. Not to say anything bad but BBC got there first.

I love the show "An Idiot Abroad" and it hasn't been on TV for such a long time I was afraid they had cancelled it. But not to worry! It's back and better then ever! "An Idiot Abroad: The Bucket List" is funnier then the first season/series.

So that's it for this blog post! Hope you enjoyed it or at least found it a tiny bit entertaining!

*whoop, whoop, whoop*

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Welcome to the wonderful blog of me, the Professor!

So, yeah. Cool cool coolio. Okay... well I'll be blogging about a whole lot of stuff! I hope you like kinda stuff.