Thursday, 26 January 2012

Writer's Block

'Ello and welcome to another blog post by, yes, me!

Oh, look at that! I got my picture uploading thingy fixed! How wonderfuly. For those of you who don't know, the picture is of the moon Callisto, a moon made out of ice. So nerdy....

So, I'm an author wanna-be and I'm currently working on two independt idea books, one fanfiction, and a book I'm not sure what to call. And I've been having on and off writers block. Like one second I'll be typing like mad, and then the next I'll be laying face down on my bed groaning cos I can't think of what happens next. I've tried listening to all different types of music, getting a cup of tea, taking a break, and now I'm trying to see if blogging will help any.

Anyone see the new season of syfy's Being Human? This season seems like a really good one. Also, on the topic of Being Human, the orignal version (BBC's version) will be coming back on again. I don't know when exactly, but I did see the trailer and boy did it look good!! Can't wait until we get to see Annie, George, and Nina. Too bad Mitchell's dead. Maybe he'll come back from the dead like Heric did.

This probably really makes me sound like I live under a rock, but I just found the best movie ever! (next to the Sherlock Holmes movies) Sleepy Hollow directed by Tim Burton (how could this movie suck!?) is one of the best movies ever! I'm a HUGE Tim Burton fan and I love how Johnny Dept can act. (yes Johnny Dept stars in Sleepy Hollow) I got soo into this movie that I decided to start writing a book about a modern day Sleepy Hollow. My main characters are Gwen (last name unknown) and Jack Crane (ha ha ha!).

  I'm currently (like ligit this minute, as we speak) watching Underworld. So far, it's really good. Yet, another werewolves vs. Vampires movie but hey at least its a good one!

Yeah, so I don't know what else to talk about. Oh by the way I don't claim anything that I talk about here. I'm only a super uper obessessed fangirl who has nothing better to do with her time. Timelord fanfiction woo!

And see I even change the colour of  my text AND highlight it. I mean come on, it's not a bad blog!

Well, that's all I have for now! Probably will have another post tomorrow. Okay well that's it for now, folks.

*whoop, whoop, whoop*

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